Series 2 starts Oct. 14, 2024

Every Mon & Wed - San Francisco, CA
Every Tues & Thurs - San Jose, CA

Baychata Dance Academy

First International Bachata Sensual Academy in Bay Area, California

Jorge and Aroa

Jorge and Aroa, two renowned bachata sensual instructors from Barcelona, Spain, will be arriving to the Bay Area starting in mid July 2024. These artists will be living in the Bay Area for a 1-year period under a residency program at our academy.

They will be teaching amazing dance classes for everyone: from beginners to advanced dancers, instructors and performers! This is an incredible opportunity for bachata enthusiasts to learn from the best, take their dancing to the next level, and dance bachata sensual like a pro!

Certification Program

Baychata Dance Academy is thrilled to announce the first bachata sensual certification program in the USA. Our instructors, Jorge & Aroa, will be accessing your dance ability through competency skills taught in the academy. By completing the required number of courses and passing a dance examination, certificate awards can be granted for Premier Dancer, Master Dancer and Baychata Certified Instructor. To learn more about our certification program, click the image flyers below.

Courses Offered

8-Week Course (starting week of Oct. 14)

  Each course meets once a week

Learn the foundations of bachata sensual. Instructors will cover topics such as body movement, partner connection, essential moves such as bolero, cambre, head rolls, etc. and will incorporate these concepts with partnerwork combinations. 

Learn how to connect bachata sensual moves and transition in a smooth manner. This course will build on bachata sensual foundation techniques.

This course is designed for dancers who want to take their bachata to scenarios and cameras. You will learn a choreographed bachata routine as part of a team and will have the opportunity to perform on stage with the international artists.

This course is perfect for bachata leaders and followers who want to improve their styling in social dancing. You will learn how to dance artistically on the dance floor by incorporating various styling techniques such as hand and arm movements, placement, head rolls,  body movement, isolations, and footwork.

This course is perfect for intermediate-advance bachata leaders and followers who want to improve their musicality in their social dance. You will learn the structure of the song (intro, derecho, majao, mambo), rhythm, timing in bachata, how to listen for breaks, how to dance to different types of musical instruments (bongo, guitar, etc.)

Learn the roots of bachata and how to apply traditional bachata cadence into your dance. Different footwork variations, hip movements, and traditional bachata exercises (solo and partnerwork) will be taught.  Level: Open

This is an advance bachata course that will focus on breathing techniques and learning how to use the concept of energy to lead your partner through advance combinations.  In the course, you will understand how to transition between different sensual moves in a fluid manner.

Workshop Schedule & Special Discounts

Check out the workshop schedule and special package discount deals below.


Please fill out Google Registration form below:

Google Registration Form

Eventbrite Tickets (8-Week course)

San Jose and San Francisco Course Registration: Tickets


To get updated announcements on the dance academy, subscribe to our newsletter below.

Newsletter Link

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